Route 257

Stops westbound

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257 Horseshoe Bay Express

  1. 59558
    Westbound Dunsmuir St @ Cambie St
  2. 54445
    Westbound W Georgia St @ Seymour St
  3. 60665 (250, 253, 254)
    Westbound W Georgia St @ Burrard St
  4. 51475 (19, 240, 241, 246, 247, 250, 253, 254, N24)
    Westbound W Georgia St @ Denman St
  5. 54441 (250, 251, 252, 255, 256)
    Park Royal @ Bay 2
  6. 54780 (250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 256)
    Westbound Marine Dr @ 14 St
  7. 60909 (251)
    Northbound 15 St @ Ottawa Ave
  8. 54556 (250, 262)
    Keith Rd @ Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal
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