Route R3

Stops outbound

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R3 Lougheed Hwy To Coquitlam Central Station

  1. 61057
    Haney Place @ Bay 8
  2. 60371
    Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Laity St
  3. 60373 (595)
    Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ 203 St
  4. 59823 (701, 791)
    Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Harris Rd
  5. 57667 (171, 701)
    Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Ottawa St
  6. 59189 (171, 701)
    Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Shaughnessy St
  7. 53034 (159, 160, 171, 172, 189, 701)
    Westbound Lougheed Hwy @ Westwood St
  8. 53864 (152, terminus)
    Coquitlam Central Station @ Bay 10
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