Route R6

Stops inbound

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R6 Scott Road / To Scott Rd Station

  1. 55944
    Newton Exchange @ Bay 8
  2. 56020 (301, 319)
    Westbound 72 Ave @ 132 St
  3. 60669
    Westbound 72 Ave @ 128 St
  4. 55576 (301, 319, 322)
    Westbound 72 Ave @ 124 St
  5. 54865 (310, 311, 312, 316, 340, 364, 391)
    Northbound Scott Rd @ 72 Ave
  6. 60670
    Northbound Scott Rd @ 75A Ave
  7. 60671
    Northbound Scott Rd @ 80 Ave
  8. 55198 (319, 329)
    Northbound Scott Rd @ 84 Ave
  9. 59035 (314, 319, 329)
    Northbound Scott Rd @ Nordel Way
  10. 54975
    Northbound Scott Rd @ 92 Ave
  11. 60672
    Northbound Scott Rd @ 96 Ave
  12. 54913 (312, 319, 391, 640)
    Northbound Scott Rd @ 103A Ave
  13. 56397 (terminus)
    Scott Rd Station @ Bay 2
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