Route 151

Stops westbound

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151 Burquitlam Station Via Coquitlam Recreation Centre
151 Como Lake Ave To Burquitlam Station

  1. 53021
    Coquitlam Central Station @ Bay 3
  2. 53036 (152, 153, 169, 173, 174, 175)
    Westbound Dewdney Trunk Rd @ Lougheed Hwy
  3. 53359
    Southbound Ranch Park Way @ Norman Ave
  4. 53360
    Southbound Spuraway Ave @ 3000 Block
  5. 53361
    Southbound Spuraway Ave @ Pasture Circle
  6. 53362
    Westbound Spuraway Ave @ Starlight Way
  7. 53363
    Westbound Spuraway Ave @ Armada St
  8. 53364
    Westbound Spuraway Ave @ Pinnacle St
  9. 53045 (153)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ 2500 Block
  10. 53046 (153)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Seymour Dr
  11. 53047 (153)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Thermal Dr
  12. 53048 (153)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Custer Court
  13. 53049
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Linton St
  14. 53050
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Prospect St
  15. 53051
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Poirier St
  16. 53052
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Wasco St
  17. 53626 (153)
    Southbound Linton St @ Regan Ave
  18. 53627 (153)
    Southbound Linton St @ Walnut Cres
  19. 53335 (153, 156)
    Westbound Foster Ave @ Linton St
  20. 53336 (153, 156)
    Westbound Foster Ave @ 1700 Block
  21. 53532 (153, 156, 157)
    Southbound Poirier St @ Winslow Ave
  22. 58416 (152, 156, 157)
    Westbound Winslow Ave @ Poirier St
  23. 53338 (156)
    Northbound Schoolhouse St @ Winslow Ave
  24. 53339 (156)
    Northbound Schoolhouse St @ Foster Ave
  25. 53340 (156)
    Northbound Schoolhouse St @ Eden Ave
  26. 53341 (156)
    Northbound Schoolhouse St @ Smith Ave
  27. 53342 (156)
    Northbound Schoolhouse St @ Regan Ave
  28. 53053 (156)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Crestwood Dr
  29. 53054 (156)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Gatensbury St
  30. 53055 (156)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Porter St
  31. 53056 (156)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Blue Mountain St
  32. 53057 (156)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Townley St
  33. 61746 (156)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Banting St
  34. 61748 (156)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Robinson St
  35. 53059 (156)
    Westbound Como Lake Ave @ Dogwood St
  36. 59554 (terminus)
    Burquitlam Station @ Bay 1
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