Route 595

Stops northbound

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595 Maple Meadows Station
595 Ridge Meadows

  1. 57097 (364, 531)
    Langley Centre @ Bay 4
  2. 57028 (364, 372, 395, 501, 502, 560)
    Westbound Fraser Hwy @ 56 Ave
  3. 57025 (320, 342, 364, 372, 395, 501, 502, 560, 561, 563, 564)
    Northbound 203 St @ Fraser Hwy
  4. 57917
    Northbound Willowbrook Connector @ Mufford Cres
  5. 60680
    Northbound Willowbrook Connector @ 66A Ave
  6. 57919
    Northbound 208 St @ 70 Ave
  7. 59413
    Northbound 208 St @ 76 Ave
  8. 58031
    Northbound 208 St @ Willoughby Town Centre Dr
  9. 58038
    Northbound 208 St @ 80 Ave
  10. 58102
    Northbound 208 St @ 83 Ave
  11. 58421
    Northbound 208 St @ 84 Ave
  12. 58523
    Westbound 88 Ave @ 208 St
  13. 58731
    Westbound 88 Ave @ 204 St
  14. 61714
    Carvolth Exchange @ Bay 6
  15. 58521 (388, 501)
    Northbound 202 St @ 88 Ave
  16. 59144 (388, 501)
    Westbound 91A Ave @ 20100 Block
  17. 57048 (388, 501)
    Northbound 200 St @ 92A Ave
  18. 61359
    Northbound 201 St @ 96 Ave
  19. 60723
    Southbound 200 St @ Maple Meadows Way
  20. 57670
    Maple Meadows Station @ Bay 4
  21. 60776 (701, 791)
    Northbound 200 St @ 119A Ave
  22. 57588 (701, 791)
    Eastbound Dewdney Trunk Rd @ 202 St
  23. 59149
    Southbound 203 St @ Lougheed Hwy
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